Supporting Parents and Caregivers

Supporting Parents and Care-Govers in Sexual Health Education - vulnerability, values, media, resources, consent

Parents can provide the most powerful and positive influence for their kids regarding sexuality, but for many parents this can be a daunting task.  When parents establish a platform of open, honest and non-judgmental communication they in turn, create an environment for kids that fosters healthy attitudes regarding sexuality and decision making. Without supportive and trusting relationships with parents, often kids will turn elsewhere to get their information regarding sex. Straight talk about sexual health empowers kids and teens to make decisions that are in alignment with their values. I work with parents to help reduce the akward and to indentify the gap between what you wish you could teach your kids about gender and sexuality versus what it is that you are actually modelling to them.

Age Appropriate Conversations:  Learn what to cover when and in what depth and how to continue conversations throughout their development, frankly, openly and honestly

Vulnerability:  Learn how to share your stories with your loved ones to deepen trust, strengthen rapport and understanding, respect and role modelling

Values:  Determine your family values so you know what to do say to your child before questions come up

Media and Pornography:  How to talk to you kids about media messages and pornography

Gender Stereotypes:  How to promote gender inclusion and diffuse stereotypes

Consent:  Understand and teach the importance of boundaries and consent in relationships

Resources:  Learn where to access additional information

Let me help you get comfortable with having those important conversations with your kids.

Attend a Parents session at your kid's school (you might have to lobby to arrange a school program)